Proactive asset tracking & utilization in real time

Improve productivity & overall OEE

Revolutionize your mining with workflow optimization using Facttwin's real-time asset tracking & utilization. This visibility is not just a window into operations but a gateway to:

Enhanced asset utilization: Alerting about idle machines for optimum utilization by real-time tracking & monitoring machine parameters.
Optimize workflow & production: Identify areas for improvement and make operational changes, to monitor & optimize the performance of mining operations, such as production rates and equipment utilization.
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Reduce loss with Predictive Maintenance

Ensuring Machine Reliability with Enhanced Safety

Predictive maintenance capabilities can significantly enhance the mining industry by improving asset reliability, reducing downtime, and optimizing maintenance schedules:

Optimized Maintenance Schedules: Get valuable data on equipment usage patterns and performance trends, allowing for informed maintenance scheduling.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: Proactively address the potential issues before they escalate, mining companies can avoid costly repairs, unplanned downtime, replacement parts, and production disruptions.
Ensure improved safety: By monitoring machine health parameters, you can detect abnormal vibration or pressure levels that may indicate impending mechanical failures. This allows for timely interventions to prevent injuries or equipment damage.
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Facttwin in Action: Transforming the Mining Industry

Discover the transformative power of Facttwin in the Mining Industry. Our detailed case study with a leading industry player showcases the tangible improvements achieved through our cutting-edge IIoT solutions.

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Industry Insights with Facttwin

Explore Facttwin's Industrial IoT Influence Across Diverse Sectors

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Food & Beverage

Discover how Facttwin's Industrial IoT solutions enhance operational efficiency and food safety in the Food & Beverage industry.

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& Healthcare

Witness the transformative impact of Facttwin's technology in medication monitoring, patient care, and overall healthcare efficiency.

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Discover how Facttwin drives innovation in the Automotive industry, optimizing production monitoring and supply chain management for unparalleled efficiency.

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Consumer Goods

Uncover how Facttwin's Industrial IoT innovations are revolutionizing product monitoring, supply chain management, and customer engagement in the Consumer Goods sector.

Empower Your Mining workflow
with Facttwin

Take the first step towards leveraging Facttwin's IIoT capabilities in your mining. Schedule a personalized demo and let us show you how Facttwin can elevate your operations and business growth.